Welcome to EHBC Children's Ministry
Sunday School
Family is a core value at East Hartford Baptist Church and we want to invest in your children. On Sunday mornings, we have Sunday School for toddlers through 6th grade during our 10:30AM worship service.
EHBC Kids on Wednesday Nights
During the school year, on Wednesday nights, at 6:00 we have our EHBC Kids’ Ministry. We meet in the BIG church worship center for an hour of high energy biblical engagement as we explore the Word of God in song, Bible study, games, crafts, memorization and prayer. It’s for children kindergarten through 6th grade.
Children’s Activities
Our Children’s Ministry has several events and activities planned all throughout the year to make sure that your child is engaged and learning about Jesus. EHBC’s Children’s Ministry Team (CMT) has a true passion for engaging with children through creative elements and making every activity is entertaining and biblical. We have yearly activities such as our annual Egg-stravaganza Easter Egg Hunt, the 6th grade banquet, Vacation Bible School, Centri-Kid Children’s Summer Camp, summers with Pastor Andy, back-to-school bash, and many other events that are geared and planned to help serve the families of EHBC.